How to Protect Your Teeth in Cold Weather

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How to Protect Your Teeth in Cold Weather


When winter sets in and the temperatures drop, you may feel a sharp sensitivity in your teeth that’s difficult to ignore. For many people, cold weather can exacerbate dental issues or make teeth feel more sensitive than usual. Sensitive teeth are quite a common problem, and knowing how you would care for your teeth in the cold weather is important but always remember visiting the dentist in Yaletown for regular checkup is important . Let’s find out how you can protect that smile this winter season.

Why Do Teeth Feel Sensitive in Cold Weather?

If you’ve found yourself asking, “Why can’t my teeth handle the cold?” you’re not alone. Before giving in to the solution, one must know why one’s teeth have this aversion to the cold. Most causes are as follows:

  • Enamel Erosion

The hard outer layer of your teeth is called the enamel. As this wears down over time, the dentin becomes exposed. Inside the dentin, there are tiny tubules that lead to the nerve of your tooth. If these tubules are exposed to cold air or drinks, it can be painful.

  • Gum Recession

When gums have receded, the roots of your teeth may be exposed. Since they are not as protected as enamel, their surface may become very sensitive to temperature change.

  • Tooth Decay or Damage

 When there is a cavity, crack, or chip in your tooth, cold may reach some inner layer which otherwise would not be affected by cold.

  • Teeth Grinding

 Clenching or grinding your teeth could be wearing away enamel to the point that it’s now somewhat sensitive, perhaps more so in cold weather when temperature fluctuations become more obvious.

  • Sinus Pressure

Most likely is that he has gotten a cold or infection bringing pressure to his upper front teeth, making them feel sensitive.


Tips to Protect Your Teeth During Winter

Now that you know why your teeth might be sensitive, here are practical steps to protect them in cold weather:

  1. Use a Fluoride Toothpaste Fluoride strengthens your enamel and protects your teeth from sensitivity to temperature. Sensitive toothpaste will help reduce pain.
  2. Good Oral Hygiene Habit Brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily to remove plaque and prevent gum disease. Healthy gums will reduce sensitivity because they protect the roots of your teeth.
  3. Avoid Acidic Foods and Drinks Acidic substances, like citrus fruits, soda, and wine, can erode your enamel. During winter, when your teeth may already feel vulnerable, it’s best to limit these items in your diet.
  4. Wear a Mouthguard if You Grind Your Teeth If you grind or clench your teeth, especially at night, a custom mouthguard can protect your enamel from further damage. Consult a dentist near you for a personalized fit.
  5. Breathe Through Your Nose Breathing through your mouth allows cold air to come into direct contact with your teeth, increasing sensitivity. If you’re out in the cold, try to breathe through your nose or wear a scarf over your mouth to keep the air warm.
  6. Drink Lukewarm Beverages Instead of sipping on cold water or icy drinks, opt for room-temperature or warm beverages. However, avoid extreme heat, as it can also irritate sensitive teeth.

Keep Your Smile Healthy This Winter

Winter doesn’t have to be uncomfortable for your teeth. There are simple things you can do to get ready for those cold months while enjoying the chill in the air. If, however, sensitivity continues to nag at you, a visit to your trusted dentist could be your savior. So if you stay in Vancouver, finding a dentist near you is pretty easy.

At Abba Dental, we well understand how frustrating cold-weather sensitivity can be. Our experienced team is here to provide personalized care to keep your smile healthy and pain-free. Contact us today if you are searching for a reliable dentist near you. Let’s work together towards your protection and your smile shining all year round.